This A game About a Explorer Name Spude Who Travels The Universe to Gather and Learn About Them . This Is my First Game So Go Easy on Me . if you Want to ask me AnyThing Feel Free To Comment Here


  • AWSD / DPad For Player Movement
  • A/X/Enter For Interact With Menu
  • B/O/Escape For Reveling The Pause Menu In Game

Credits / Special Thanks

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  • If You Have Any Issues Please Check The Known Issues Section First
  • If You Have Any Ideas To Add To the Game or The lore of the Story of the game You Can Comment Here Idea NotePad
  • These Textures In The Game Are used As A Place Holder for now.


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SpreadTheExplorerWindows[86_64][Classic].exe 89 MB
SpreadTheExplorerLinux[Classic].x86_64 82 MB

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This is a huge change! I'm curious what you're trying to accomplish with this pivot? What did the old version not do that you wanted, and what is this new version attempting to do to now get it?

I Wanted To Make The Game Fast Pase Dungen Crawler infinity Replayable So in the Earlier Version I opted for a Spelunky style World Generation But I Realized That I Will Take Many Levels To Make It Scheme infinite So I opted For A procedural approach. In the Previous Version I was Not Able to Expand the Goal of The Game But With This Version I Can Take It in Many Directions .In the Old Version There Was No Real Reward For Compleating the Level And There Were Few Options For Reward That Would Make Sense With The Game Play But With This Effect a Combat Between In Some Way or other and With This Vesion I Have the opportunity to re write my messy code so that I can update It Much Easily and can understand my own code

Sounds like you've reworked it to a base so that you can build on top of it. Curious to see where you take it!

Thank you so much for building and sharing this! We all thought it was very cute on the stream. The pixel art is very clean, legible, and has a great aesthetic. We were wondering about different ways to escalate the dramatic tension as we were exploring largely similar rooms throughout. Somone recommended possibly not being able to walk on the same tile twice? I don't know, you're the developer, you'll come up with something unique to you.
Thanks again for making something for the first time.

Thank You For Playing My Game

(1 edit)

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